How it Works
iCAMPUS is a Campus Management System developed for educational institutes to help build customized ERM solutions for managing campus related day-to-day tasks efficiently. iCAMPUS has modules like campus, Learning, Human Resource, Financial and Inventory Management System.

System for Campus Management
With the help of iCAMPUS, schools can automate their campus needs. This system is fully integrated, robust and provides online software solutions to enhance the quality of education and convey a global standard of teaching and learning environment where students can prosper and grow.

System for Learning Management
Teachers can plan their lessons using this module and convey them to students digitally. Teachers can also use this module for student homework assigning, receiving and grading purposes. Through this parents can easily track their children progress and grades.

System for Human Resource Management
With iCAMPUS, Schools can manage teacher and faculty academic and professional data, along with scheduling their timetables, viewing workload, performance and research & development activities.
What We Do
It provides campuses with the ability to streamline their processes and make them manageable. Some of the following features of iCAMPUS can help you do that.
Successful Projects
Who Can Use iCAMPUS
iCAMPUS is a multipurpose campus management system that aims toward enhancing the efficiency of educational institutes by making all campus operations digital and creating systems for managing them.